Elizabethtown-Lewis-Westport CSD
Regular Meeting
DATE/TIME: Monday, March 4, 2019 – 6:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Donald Huntley Auditorium ELCS
7539 Court Street, Elizabethtown, New York 12936
I. Call to Order – Interim Superintendent Dr. Mark Davey
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Administer Oath of Office to Elected Board Member & District Treasurer
The District Clerk administers the Oath of Office to the following:
- a. Elected Board Member, Karin DeMuro
- b. District Treasurer, Sharlene Petro-Durgan
IV. Roll Call
[ ] Karin DeMuro [ ] Dina Garvey [ ] Alan Jones [ ] Sarah Bode Kullman
[ ] Philip Mero [ ] Heather Reynolds [ ] Suzanne Russell
V. Executive Session (approximately 1 hour)
a. Specifically, the Board will enter Executive Session for the following:
- i. (#6) The medical, financial, credit, or employment history of a particular
person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment,
promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal, or removal of a
particular person or corporation specifically to discuss the hiring of the
new district’s superintendent.
In: Motion: Second: Yes: No: Abstain: Accept
Out: Motion: Second: Yes: No: Abstain: Accept
b. Reconvene to regular session at __________
Motion: Second: Yes: No: Abstain: Accept Reject Table
VI. Introduction of Attendees
Also Present: Visitors:
VII. Approval of Minutes
a. Approve the meeting minutes of the organizational meeting held on February 27,
2019 as presented.
Motion: Second: Yes: No; Abstain: Accept Reject Table
VIII. Public Comment
a. At the start of Public Comment, the Board President will ask for a show of hands
to determine how many members of the public wish to offer comment. Three
minutes per speaker will be allowed for public comments. When called upon by
the Board President to speak aloud, please identify yourself and provide your
school district of residence. Public comments will be limited to 15 minutes.
IX. Presentations/Reports –
a. Budget Presentation #2 (As per the approved Budget Development Timeline) –
2019-20 Elizabethtown-Lewis-Westport CSD Budget Development
- i. Discussion of budget priorities and manner in which to proceed
- ii. Summary of the Governor’s State of the State Address for an outlook for
public education in New York State’s next fiscal year - iii. Examination of the very preliminary report of Projected Revenues for
X. Board Discussion Items
- a. ELWCSD Initial Operational Funding – Continued discussion
- b. District Policy & Regulations – Discussion
- i. Non-Resident Students Policy Review
- ii. Public Comment Policy Review
- c. Transition Advisory Team – Next Steps discussion
- i. School Transition Advisory Teams:
- School Identity
- Curriculum Programming
- Athletics
- Extra-Curricular
- Special Education
- Facilities and Transportation
- Technology
- Code of Conduct
- ii. Participation
- i. School Transition Advisory Teams:
- d. Program Design and Building Use for the New District – Continued discussion
XI. Action Items:
a. St. Lawrence/Lewis BOCES Cooperative Purchasing Bid – Fuel Oil & LP
- a. Accept and approve the following St. Lawrence/Lewis BOCES
Cooperative Purchasing Bids for the 2019 – 2020 fiscal year starting July
1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 as listed:- i. MX Petroleum – heating oil for both ELCS & WCS main buildings at a
fixed price per the St. Lawrence/Lewis BOCES Cooperative Purchasing
Bid of $2.2480 per gallon - ii. MX Petroleum – heating oil for both ELCS & WCS garages at a fixed
price per the St. Lawrence/Lewis BOCES Cooperative Purchasing Bid of
$2.3880 per gallon - iii. Suburban Propane – propane for both ELCS & WCS main buildings boiler
ignition, cooking and labs) at a fixed price per the St. Lawrence/Lewis
BOCES Cooperative Purchasing Bid of $1.2750 per gallon
- i. MX Petroleum – heating oil for both ELCS & WCS main buildings at a
Motion: Second: Yes: No: Abstain: Accept Reject Table
XII. Committee Appointments
a. Acknowledge and recommend the appointment of the following representatives to:
- i. Audit Committee:
- ii. Policy Committee:
Motion: Second: Yes: No: Abstain: Accept Reject Table
XIII. Superintendent’s Update – Dr. Davey
XIV. Public Comment (15 minutes)
XV. Other
XVI. Next Meeting: Monday, March 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM in the Conference Room at WCS
XVII. Adjournment
Time: Motion: Second: