Congrats to spelling bee winners!
January 2025 Newsletter
Committee narrows options to consider
Please note: We are striving to provide recordings of each Facilities Planning Committee meeting, but we do not have one to share from the December meeting due to technical difficulties. We have new equipment that we hope will ensure all future meetings will be recorded so we can provide them for public review.
At their December meeting, the Facilities Planning Committee made several decisions to focus their work and start to move forward toward a plan for the district’s facilities.
Committee members decided to focus on a single site for Pre-K through 12 classrooms moving forward rather than considering schools at multiple sites. The committee felt that there is value in the unity that can be gained by having all staff and students at a single physical location. They also felt that the potential operating efficiencies, such as streamlining maintenance and food operations, and logistical flexibility of a single site would be worthwhile.
The committee also decided that they will not consider using the Thrall Dam site, which was the location included with the last capital proposal. The exit poll done after the vote in early 2024 showed that the public did not approve of using this site.
Committee members decided that it would cost too much to renovate the Lake View Campus in Westport to house all classrooms. It is still being considered to house athletic fields and transportation facilities. Members are still exploring the idea of full or partial renovations at Mountain View Campus in Elizabethtown to move elementary programs there.
The committee asked for the following information to be shared for discussion at their next meeting, which will be held Jan. 23 at Lake View Campus:
- A program review that includes the constraints used to determine the needs for the options that were previously proposed.
- A breakdown of what would be included in the full renovations at the Mountain View Campus (approximately $25 million, as discussed).
- A breakdown of what would be included in limited renovations up to the Maximum Cost Allowance (MCA; $15 million +/-) at the Mountain View Campus.
- A site sketch of locating transportation and the athletic fields at the Lake View Campus.
For more information on the committee’s decisions and work, please visit
Jan. 9, 2025 Board of Education Meeting
The Boquet Valley CSD Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, January 9 at 6:00 PM in Room 106 at the Mountain View Campus in Elizabethtown.
Agenda items will include a presentation by the District Superintendent Dr. Mark Davey, State of the District mid-year report from the Superintendent, preliminary forecast of significant budget factors for the next
school year, benchmark report on administrative, instructional and operations staffing, monthly MVC Principal report and any other business that may come before the Board.
The meeting is open to the public. Community members and interested others are invited to attend.
Facilities Committee building a vision
The group that has been organized to figure out how the district should move with its facilities held its second meeting in November.
Led by Capital Region BOCES Facilitator Joe Dragone, the Facilities Planning Committee spent its first two meetings gathering information about the past, present and potential future of the district’s buildings. The September meeting was held at the Mountain View Campus, and the November meeting was held at Lake View Campus. Both meetings started with a building tour to let committee members observe building conditions and ask questions.
Building Condition Survey
At the November meeting, BCA Architects & Engineers shared information about a Building Condition Survey they did this fall. School districts are required by the state to do a BCS every five years. Boquet wasn’t due for one until next year, but the district decided to go through the process early to have a clear understanding of the current status of all of its facilities.
Taylor Woolf and Mike Harris detailed the bare minimum needed at both campuses to keep them open and operating safely. The total cost associated with the immediate needs is $20.5 million for both campuses, with incidentals, contingency and inflation figured in. The architects stressed that other costly immediate needs would likely turn up soon if this bare minimum is all that is done.
To explore details of the Building Condition Survey, review the presentation slideshow from the meeting.
Other topics
A range of other topics were also discussed at the November meeting. A few of the considerations to be taken into account include:
- The district’s athletic fields are in need of work, and state aid would not be available for upgrades or moving them to a new site unless the fields are moved to a property that also has school buildings on it.
- The district’s bus garage also has some needs, and much more work would be needed if the state moves forward with requiring all districts to move fully to electric buses in the coming years. A bus garage not on a site with a school building would likely not get as much state aid but will be eligible for some.
- There’s a 10-year window for extra state aid on construction due to the school district merger in 2019-2020. That money will be gone if it isn’t used by then.
- There would be savings associated with operating at a single site rather than two different sites.
- Committee members not employed by the district or with students in the district expressed surprise at the space in school buildings needed for counselors or partnerships with other community organizations and programs.
Informing the public
The district is seeking to prioritize communication about the committee as its work develops, because the results will have a major impact on everyone in the community.
- Updated web page: A new landing page has been created to share information about the committee and act as a place to gather documentation and other information. It can be found at
- Meeting recordings: Starting with the November meeting, all committee meetings will be recorded on video and will be shared on the committee’s landing page, Presentation slides and notes from the meetings will be shared there as well for anyone who wants to review them.
- Physical fliers: Printable fliers with overviews of the committee’s work will be shared after each meeting. These fliers will be printed out and shared in community gathering spaces throughout the district.
The committee also discussed getting more of the public involved in the discussion using surveys and other means in the future.
Next meeting
The next committee meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 17 at Mountain View Campus.
Mr. Dragone’s team plans to bring to that meeting information about potential land parcels that would be big enough to hold any new potential facilities. They will review previous parcels that were considered in the last round of facilities work, and they are looking into any new parcels that may have become available since then.
With this information and everything else they’ve learned so far, Mr. Dragone intends to help the team start narrowing down options to consider moving forward. He also mentioned encouraging them to start developing a timeline. The first decision he is encouraging the committee to make centers on whether it will be a priority for the district to have both schools on one campus or to keep operating on multiple sites.
December 2024 Newsletter
Read the December 2024 Newsletter here!
Dec. 10, 2024 Board of Education Meeting
The Boquet Valley CSD Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Library at the Lake View Campus in Westport.
Agenda items will include a snapshot report on progress toward district goals, monthly Principal report and any other business that may come before the Board.
The meeting is open to the public. Community members and interested others are invited to attend.
Time to sign up for OASIS Session 3
OASIS Session 3 will begin Monday, Nov. 18.
It’s time to sign up for sessions now. Session 3 has a variety of options, including the return/continuation of some of our popular activities and some exciting new ones.
Visit the OASIS page to view session options and download a sign-up form.
Nov. 14, 2024 Board of Education Meeting
The Boquet Valley CSD Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM in Room 106 at the Mountain View Campus in Elizabethtown.
Agenda items will include the annual independent auditor report, a status report on facilities and grounds priorities, monthly Principal report and any other business that may come before the Board.
The meeting is open to the public. Community members and interested others are invited to attend.
November 2024 Newsletter
Read the November 2024 Newsletter here!
Annual Notice of Availability of Asbestos Management Plan
Federal regulations require that schools be inspected for the presence of asbestos, a material that was used in the construction industry in the recent past. The buildings of the Boquet Valley Central School District were inspected for asbestos containing materials during July of 1989 and the results of that inspection are contained in the Asbestos Management Plan.
If there is asbestos containing material in the building, the Asbestos Management Plan shows the amount present as well as the specific location of the material. The Asbestos Management Plan includes the results of material samples that were taken during the inspections and in preparation for building projects. It also contains documents related to asbestos abatement.
In compliance with Environmental Protection Agency requirements, the last AHERA Triennial Re-Inspection took place in November 2022. Six-month surveillance inspection of asbestos containing materials in BVCSD school buildings was completed in October 2023 and January 2024. The next six-month surveillance inspection will take place in June 2024.
The Asbestos Management Plan is available for review during business hours at the District Office located at the Mountain View Campus in Elizabethtown. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is available by request for a minimal fee.
For more details regarding the Asbestos Management Plan and the specific abatement decisions, please contact the Director of Facilities, BVCSD, 518-873-6371 ext. 2504.
Click here for the official Annual Notice of Availability of Asbestos Management Plan.
Asbestos Removal on Lake View Campus Roof
The Board of Education at their 10/10/24 meeting approved various aspects of the Lake View Campus Roof Project. The roofing company (Farrell Roofing) will start the project the week of 10/21. The following letter explains why the exterior non-friable asbestos abatement in this roofing project is very different from an interior friable asbestos abatement project. There are additional precautions that the roofers will implement as well.
Dear Community Members, Parents, and Staff,
As we begin the roof replacement project at The Lake View Campus, we want to provide clear information about the asbestos abatement that will take place. We are required to place notices on all exterior doors and are aware that this may raise concerns. I have met with all of our project partners and would like to share the following information:
- Anticipated roof project total timeline is 6-8 weeks. The actual abatement of the asbestos should take 4-7 days.
- Type of Asbestos: The asbestos involved in this project is non-friable, meaning it is tightly bound and does not easily release fibers into the air. It is not considered hazardous in this form.
- Regulations:
- Exterior asbestos abatement (like this roof project) has far fewer regulations than interior asbestos removal.
- We will have a professional asbestos testing firm (ATL) on site to visually monitor the removal.
- Safety Measures:
- Roofers will be removing the asbestos during off hours to further limit any potential disturbance. (They will be conducting non-asbestos related work during the school day).
- No asbestos exposure will occur inside the building.
- Vents will be covered and windows will remain closed as an added precaution.
- Windows near the removal site (within 25 feet) will also be tarped as an extra protective measure.
- Waste Handling: After removal, the non-friable asbestos will go directly to the landfill. There is no need for special bagging or labeling, as is the case with more hazardous asbestos materials.
- Required Notices:
- Notices will be posted on all exterior doors starting Friday, October 11th, which is 10 business days before the start of the project.
- The signs will remain in place until 24 hours after the asbestos abatement is complete.
- Project Partners: We are working with the following professional firms to ensure the project is done safely and efficiently:
- Farrell Roofing Company
- BCA Architects
- Schoolhouse Construction Managers
- ATL (Asbestos Testing and Monitoring)
- Additional Information: NYS Code Rule 56
Thank you for your attention and understanding as we complete this important project safely and in compliance with all regulations. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Joshua Meyer
Click here for a downloadable PDF of this letter.
Asbestos Abatement Letter to BVCSD Community: October 11, 2024
Oct. 10, 2024 Board of Education Meeting
The Boquet Valley CSD Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Auditorium at the Lake View Campus in Westport. Agenda items will include an annual student enrollment report data and multi-year retrospective on October enrollment, proposal of the 2025-26 budget development timetable, annual independent auditor report and associated fiscal reports, monthly Principal report and any other business that may come before the Board. The meeting is open to the public. Community members and interested others are invited to attend.
Aug. 15, 2024 Special Board of Education Meeting & Retreat
The Boquet Valley CSD Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 5:00 PM in Room 106 at the Mountain View
Campus in Elizabethtown. Agenda items will include confirming the tax rolls and authorizing the 2024-2025 tax levy and any other business that
may come before the Board. The meeting will be open to the public. Community members and interested others are invited to attend.
Immediately upon close of the special meeting, the Board of Education will convene in a Board Retreat for the purpose of gaining education and
professional development on governance of the Boquet Valley Central School District. The Board will not vote or take any official action during
this retreat.