We are excited to announce that Boquet Valley Central School District has been awarded the Extended School Day and Violence Prevention Grant. This is in addition to the American Rescue Plan and CRRSA federal funding.
CRSSA: $452,304
ARP: $1,015,810
ESD Grant: $1,600,000
Based on community feedback over the past several months as well as stakeholder generated core values, goals, mission and vision, we will be using these funds to offer the following additional opportunities for our students and additional positions:
- Extended School Day afterschool opportunities through several community partners and vendors (more details to come)
- Summer Programming (credit recovery, supplemental academic, and enrichment opportunities.
- Social Worker (MSW) or counselor (1.0 FTE)
- Elementary Enrichment Teacher (1.0 FTE)
- Elementary AIS Teacher (1.0 FTE)
- ESD Community School Liaison and Site Coordinator (1.0 FTE)
- Additional Transportation
If you have comments or questions about any of these grants, please contact:
Director of Student Support Services: Nelly Collazo- [email protected]
Superintendent: Josh Meyer- [email protected]