Mon - Fri || District Office & Mountain View Campus: (518) 873-6371 | Lake View Campus: (518) 962-8244


School Board Petitions are available in the District Office

The Boquet Valley Central School District is seeking candidates to fill two (2) three-year term vacancies on the Board of Education.  The seats are currently held by Dina Garvey and Sarah Kullman.

Candidates seeking a seat on the Board of Education must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old, qualified to vote in the school district and able to read and write.  They must be residents of the district continuously for one year before the election.  They cannot be employed by the board on which they shall serve or live in the same household as a family member who is also a member of the same school board.

Petitions are available in the District Office Lake View Campus 25 Sisco Street Westport, New York between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM Monday through Friday.  Those who would like to be considered as a candidate for one of the terms must submit a petition to the District Clerk signed by at least 25 qualified voters of the district.  Petitions must be returned to the District Office no later than 4 PM on April 20, 2020.

The Board of Education Annual Meeting, Board Member Election and Budget Vote will be held on Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at the Mountain View Campus Conference Room-Main Lobby 7539 Court Street, Elizabethtown, New York.

For further information, please contact Jana Atwell, District Clerk at 518-962-8244 or [email protected].