Mon - Fri || District Office & Mountain View Campus: (518) 873-6371 | Lake View Campus: (518) 962-8244



All violations of rules will be treated seriously and students will be subject to disciplinary actions, which may include suspensions from riding the bus for a period of time. The school may monitor buses with video cameras.

  1. Obey the bus driver’s direction.
  2. Sit facing the front of the bus.
  3. Fighting, pushing, and shoving will not be tolerated on the bus.
  4. Talk quietly. Screaming, shouting, loud talking, and obscene language will not be tolerated.
  5. No eating, drinking or gum chewing is allowed.
  6. All students must stay in their seats while the bus is moving.
  7. Keep hands, head, and feet, as well as all belongings inside the bus.
  8. The bus driver is authorized to assign student seating.
  9. Students must have a written request signed by parent/guardian and presented to the Main Office, prior to the end of the school day, to ride a different bus or stay for a school activity.
  10. An adult must be visible to the bus driver at a home before a K-6 student will be let off the bus or the child will stay on the bus and return to the school. Parents/guardians will then be called to come to the school to pick up their child.

Passing a School Bus

Overtaking or passing a stopped school bus with red lights flashing is illegal at any time. In addition, state law also forbids overtaking or passing a stopped school bus in any school parking area whether or not lights are flashing.