Mon - Fri || District Office & Mountain View Campus: (518) 873-6371 | Lake View Campus: (518) 962-8244

Establish the ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE for our PreK-12 students as measured by:

  • Aligning ELA curriculum PreK-12 by a developing a topic list per grade level (In Progress)
  • Aligning Math Curriculum PreK -12 by developing a topic list per grade level  (In Progress)
  • Track elective offerings and participation  (In Progress)

Streamline the COMMUNICATION at BVCSD as measured by:

  • Developing a clear Communication Plan for the District inclusive of type, method, and frequency of communication (Completed)
  • Distribute the plan throughout the school community  (Completed)
  • Assign personnel responsible for creating/contributing to the communication  (Completed)
  • Assign personnel responsible for distributing to the communication  (Completed)
  • Count and evaluate the following for on-time communications:  (In Progress)
    • Annual-Budget Notice
    • Quarterly- Newsletters 
    • Monthly- BOE Meetings and BOE Meeting minutes 
    • Weekly- Griffin Gazette, TWIGS, and Bulleted List 
    • Daily- Attendance Calls 
    • As needed  

Establish the CLIMATE AND CULTURE in the district for staff and students as measured by:

    • Provide one off-campus experience per cohort of students per year. (In Progress)

    • Provide two intentional assemblies and/or presentations for students per year  (In Progress)

    • Provide one meaningful professional development for Faculty and Staff  per month as part of our long-term plan  (In Progress)
  • Host ten parent events per year with at least 25% parent attendance.  (In Progress) 


Establish OPPORTUNITIES AND EXPERIENCES for the students as measured by:

  • Developing a PreK-12 plan for field trips/experiences  (In Progress)
  • Developing a PreK-12 plan for hikes  (In Progress)
  • Developing a multi-year plan for extracurricular activities  (In Progress)
  • Developing a multi-year plan for presentations/guest speakers  (In Progress)
  • Create a tool to measure completion of plan and participation in activity  (In Progress)