June 1, 2020 Public Budget Hearing(PDF)
Boquet Valley CSD Public Budget Hearing Monday, June 1, 2020 @ 6:00 PM Via Streaming Video only – with no public in-person access
1. Public Budget Hearing
a. The community members of the Boquet Valley Central School District will receive a presentation by Superintendent Josh Meyer on the proposed $15,211,449 spending plan for the 2020-2021 school year.
The Public Budget Hearing opened at 6:00 PM with approximately 20 attendees virtually signed in throughout the hearing. An overview presentation of the proposed 2020-21 spending plan was provided by Superintendent Meyer highlighting 2020-21 budget philosophy, tax cap legislation impact, tax cap/threshold calculation, tax rate, three-part budget breakdown (program, administrative and capital components), Foundation Aid history, proposed revenue, expenditures and fund balance/reserve balance projections and a tax rate comparison for BVCS within the 17 component schools within the BOCES consortium. Information was provided for proposition 3 (purchase of one salt/sand spreader and aluminum trailer) and proposition 4 (purchase of one 65 passenger bus and one seven passenger van). Explanation of the absentee ballot voting process for this year’s budget vote and board member election was also provided. (See attached presentation)
An opportunity was then provided for virtual meeting attendees to submit questions to Superintendent Meyer.
2. Upcoming BOE Meetings
a. Annual Budget Vote & Election (counting of ballots) Tuesday, June 9, 2020 5:00 PM via streaming video
b. Regular Meeting Thursday, June 11, 2020 6:00 PM via streaming video
c. Reorganization & Regular Meeting Thursday, July 9, 2020 6:00 PM via streaming video