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Library/Media Center

Go to: Lake View Library | Mountain View Library

The school library exists for reading, quiet study, research and computer use. The librarian designates the number of students allowed from study halls each period. Use of the library is a privilege; the librarian can send students back to where they came from if their behavior is inappropriate. Students who go to the library must have a pre-signed pass. Students must sign out books using their full names.

Lending Policies:

K-1 students may take out one book at a time, Grade 2 may take out up to two books, Grade 3 may take out up to three books, and Grades 4 and up may take out up to four books. Students may be permitted to take out additional books on a case-by-case basis.

The lending period is typically two weeks, unless students are working on an extended assignment, in which case the due date can be extended at initial check-out. New items and DVDs can be loaned for one week. Materials may be renewed unless another student has reserved the book. Students do not need to have the items in hand in order to renew them.


Overdue notices are generated regularly, a minimum of once a month. Students will receive at least two notices at school before the library sends home a letter to the family. The letter will indicate the replacement cost of the book. If the library does not receive a response from the family, a letter from the Superintendent’s office will be sent home with an invoice. Please note that once a letter has gone home from the library, students may not check out a new book until the overdue book is returned or replaced, even if they have not met their limit for book check-outs.

Lost/Damaged Books:

Students are responsible for replacing any lost or damaged books. Letters home will indicate the replacement cost of the book. Students will not be able to take out new books until the book is replaced or returned.

Age-appropriate Content:

Library books are generally shelved in separate sections for elementary and middle school/high school students. However, our K-12 library houses a variety of content for multiple grade levels, which can sometimes make it challenging to determine whether a book is appropriate for a particular student. The library uses recommendations from Amazon and Junior Library Guild to help in this process. We typically request a note from parents to grant permission to check out books that have sensitive content. In addition, if you have any concerns about appropriate content, or personal beliefs that prohibit your child from checking out particular books, we encourage you to communicate this to the library staff.