Do you want to get phone calls or text messages with school closings, current events, news, and emergency alerts from Boquet Valley CSD. As a parent, faculty, or staff member at BVCS you already have one number registered via our student management system – SchoolTool. If you wish to add additional numbers in which phone calls and/or text messages may reach, please click the link below to register.
Self-Update Portal is a secure, convenient tool to keep your contact information up-to-date so you don’t miss out on anything! Please be advised, if you edit and update numbers through the self-update portal, it will not communicate those updates to school, or the student management system. Please fill out updated forms to alert the school of updates, so that we may have consistent information across the board.
Click here to update or register now for One Call Now
**Also, closings and delays are called into WPTZ & Vermont Association of Broadcasters, so watch your TVs and turn on the radio for updates!**