Mon - Fri || District Office & Mountain View Campus: (518) 873-6371 | Lake View Campus: (518) 962-8244


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School nurses monitors the health of all students in the school and is the liaison between the school and various health agencies. All students are required to have an updated emergency card on file in the Health Office. This card should be filled out completely and signed by the parent or guardian. The Main Office should be advised of any changes in address, phone numbers, and emergency contact person(s).

Lake View Nurse: Carol Schwoebel 962 – 8244,

Mountain View Nurse: Corey Murphy 873-6371,

The school nurse will provide emergency care for students involved in accidents or unexpected medical situations.

Flu Information: A Guide for Parents

Administration of Medicine in School (section 916 Education Law)

If a student needs to take medication during the school day, he or she must follow these rules:

  • Bring a note from his or her parent/guardian which gives the nurse permission to store the medication for the student’s use, releasing the Board and its employees of liability for the administration of medication.
  • Give the nurse a doctor’s order with instructions about dosage, times given, etc.
  • Bring a copy of the prescription.
  • An adult must bring the medication to school in the original container.

Student Physicals

In accordance with the New York State Education Law, each student shall have a physical exam given by the school doctor or family physician upon entrance to school in grades Pre K, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and all new students. Physical forms are available from the school nurse for the family physician to fill out. If a form is not returned to the school nurse by October 1st of the school year, the school physician will complete a student’s physical. Students wishing to participate in an interscholastic athletic program may also need to have a physical examination. Please see, Interscholastic Athletics, for further information.

In accordance with law, the school will provide vision, hearing, and scoliosis screening.


Students must receive proper immunizations for diphtheria, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, Haemophilius Influenza Type b (Hib) and Varicella prior to entering or being admitted to school. Parents will be notified of the required immunizations needed for entry, certificates of proof, and available resources for obtaining appropriate certificates.

For more information on health issues, contact the school nurse.

First Aid

In emergencies, the school nurse will follow established first aid procedures. These procedures include the following requirements:

  1. No medical treatment except first aid is permitted in school.
  2. A master first aid kit shall be kept and properly maintained in the school and on each school bus.
  3. No drugs shall be administered by school personnel unless authorized by a physician.
  4. Parents are asked to sign and submit an emergency medical authorization which shall indicate the procedure they wish the school to follow in the event of a medical emergency involving their child.
  5. In all cases where the nature of an illness or an injury appears serious, the parent will be contacted if possible, and the instructions on the child’s emergency card followed. In extreme emergencies, arrangements may be made for the child’s immediate hospitalization whether or not the parent can be reached.

Automated External Defibrillators (AED)

The Boquet Valley Central School District maintains on site, in each instructional school facility, at least one functional automated external defibrillator (AED) for use during emergencies. Whenever public school facilities are used for school-sponsored or school-approved curricular or extracurricular events or activities or a school-sponsored athletic contest is held at any location, school administrators shall ensure the presence of at least one staff person who is trained in the operation and use of an AED. Where a school-sponsored competitive athletic event is held at a site other than a public school facility, the public school officials must assure that AED equipment is provided on-site.


Useful Forms

Asthma Action Plan

Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan

Screening and Health Exam Requirements

Permission to administer medication

Interval Health Form (Sports)

Health Exam Form (Physicals)


Premission to carry (EPI pen and Inhaler)