Mon - Fri || District Office & Mountain View Campus: (518) 873-6371 | Lake View Campus: (518) 962-8244


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Contact Info

Lake View Campus Nurse:
Dawn Haase, RN
518-962-8244 ext. 1114
[email protected]

Mountain View Campus Nurse:
Deb Olsen, RN
518-873-6371 ext. 2506
[email protected]

Duties of a school nurse

School nurses watch over the health of all students in our schools. They look for health patterns and recommend to school administrators and parents how to prevent and control sickness.

Staying up to date on state and federal health guidelines, a school nurse acts as a liaison between the school and various health agencies and submits necessary documentation to the state.

School nurses also manage medications and administer medicine per doctor’s orders and NYS regulations.

State requirements

Students who attend public school in New York must meet the following requirements, according to laws from the state Education Department and Department of Health.

  • All new students must have a physical exam with the family doctor before beginning classes or within 30 days of the start of class.
  • All new students must have up-to-date immunizations.
  • All students in Pre K, Kindergarten, and grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 must have a current physical.
  • Any student who participates in interscholastic sports must get a physical every year.
  • Caregivers should submit a dental certificate for each student. The certificate should state that your child has been seen by a dentist or dental hygienist.

Medication administration

The NYS Department of Education and Department of Health control how medication is given during school hours. Each student will be checked and given a level of need for medication administration based on how well they understand giving medicine to themselves. Before the administration of any medications during school hours, caregivers must provide:

  • “Provider and parent permission to administer medication at school/school sponsored events” form completed by parent and prescribing provider. – OR – Provider statement and parent permission for students to carry and use their own medicine, if the student is right for this option.
  • Current doctor’s order and a supply of the medication with the right script label.

Managing illness

We follow infection control practices from the NYS Department of Health, the Department of Education and the Centers for Disease Control.

  • Students with a temperature of 100.4 will be sent home regardless of symptoms. They should not return to campus until they have no fever for 24 hours without medicine.
  • Students with a temperature between 99.0 and 100.4 will be evaluated based on their symptoms. The school nurse will decide whether the student should stay at school.
  • Students with vomiting and/or diarrhea will be sent home. They should not return until they have no symptoms for 24 hours.